Monthly Archives: September 2017

Spending time in nature can be, for anyone that suffers with anxiety or depression like me, the best medication ever! Sometimes it doesn’t, but a lot of times, when you only have the blues or something is bothering you, or something is agitated within your core, yet you don’t know quite what it is… just seek a pond, seek a source of water with some grass around, and some trees and that is all you’re going to need to feel better! #natureprovides #awitchslife #MyWitchAesthetic

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One of the things that is really important to consider as a Wiccan is that everybody is the Goddess; so sometimes we will hear the words of the Goddess through other people’s mouths… Singers often do that, and one of them which has already shown to be extremely inclined towards the sacred feminine and the Goddess path, is Tori Amos. Tonight I’m going to hear her sing live and I am sure it will be a spiritual experience! #ToriAmos #NativeInvaderTour #MyWitchAesthetic

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